2. Competition
Competition is a contest between individuals or groups and it arises whenever two want a common goal which cannot be shared. Competition occurs naturally between living organisms which co-exist in the same environment. Our society is influenced in many ways in order achieve certain goals or tasks at hand. Competition I believe to be important in our society. I believe that the biggest competition someone has is themselves. It functions in way that it creates a sense of urgency and adds importance to the task at hand. For example in order to achieve a spot on the team, earn a raise at your job or be top of your class you compete by doing more than your colleague. As much as competition can be healthy it can also be unhealthy. Competition can bring out a different side of someone once a challenge has been presented. Some people do not take well to competition. it can be taken to serious can cause people to lose their morality by cheating stealing or sabotaging your competition. Competition can also bring out the best in people, a sense of achievement and gratitude to accomplishing a goal or task. There are plenty of things my friend and I agree on; unfortunately that is not always the best thing. There was a girl that created a competition among us and it started to get unhealthy to the extent that we decided she wasn't worth our friendship. Competition can be seen everywhere in our society from sports, the corparate world and even inside the class room.
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